• Samsung Bitcoin Futures Active ETF

    3135 HKD

    Convenient way to invest in cryptocurrency related investment
  • SAMSUNG Blockchain Technologies ETF

    3171 HKD

    First Global Blockchain technologies ETF in Hong Kong
  • Samsung Asia Pacific ex NZ Metaverse Theme ETF

    3172 HKD

    First actively managed APAC Metaverse ETF in Hong Kong
  • SAMSUNG Bloomberg Global Semiconductor ETF

    3132 HKD

    First ever truly global semiconductor ETF in Asia, comprised of semiconductor leaders listed in 7 markets: US, Taiwan, Korea, Netherlands, Japan, Germany and France
  • Samsung S&P High Dividend APAC ex NZ REITs ETF

    3187 HKD / 9187 USD

    First REITs ETF in Hong Kong, providing attractive dividend income in a low-yield environment
  • SAMSUNG CSI China Dragon Internet ETF

    2812 HKD / 9812 USD

    Invest into 30 Chinese Internet giants globally

    2814 HKD / 9814 USD

    Invest into around 10 highly-traded and fast-growth US-listed stock of technology and tech-enabled companies such as Facebook®, Apple®, Amazon®, Netflix®, Alphabet (Google®) and Tesla®, etc.
  • SAMSUNG S&P GSCI Crude Oil ER Futures ETF

    3175 HKD

    Directly invests in multiple crude oil futures months
Top 3 Performing Samsung ETFs
SAMSUNG CSI China Dragon Internet ETF
NAV per Unit (HKD)
+34.03% (1 month return)
SAMSUNG Asia Pacific ex NZ Metaverse Theme ETF
NAV per Unit (HKD)
+12.09% (1 month return)
SAMSUNG Blockchain Technologies ETF
NAV per Unit (USD)
+10.75% (1 month return)
Last Update: 2024-10-14

For the performance information of the latest month, latest 3 months, latest 6 months, year-to-date and preceding 5 years (if appicable), please refer to the corresponding link below.
Please kindly refer to corresponding link below for disclosure of respective calculation bases of fund performance information

Past performance information is not indicative of future performance.

Samsung ETF

* Intra-Day Estimated NAV per Unit is provided by ICE Data Services and is updated every 15 seconds during the market hours and is indicative only. The near real time estimated Net Asset Value per Unit in each of the Sub-Fund’s trading currencies (other than the Base Currency) is calculated using the near real time estimated NAV per Unit in the Base Currency of the relevant Sub-Fund multiplied by the real time exchange rate provided by ICE Data Services for the relevant trading currencies (other than the Base Currency) of each Sub-Fund.

1 Intra-Day Market Price is provided on a 15 minutes delayed basis by ICE Data Services.

#The near real time indicative Net Asset Value per Unit in USD is calculated using a real time HKD:USD foreign exchange rate – it is calculated using the near real time indicative Net Asset Value per Unit in HKD multiplied by a real-time HKD:USD foreign exchange rate quoted by ICE Data Indices LLC.

Data Source : ICE Data Services
Hong Kong Time : -


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